Next Generation Council
Founded in 2021, the Next Generation Council (NGC) provides a voice to a diverse range of individuals across the organisation, a diverse perspective to decision-making for the Senior Leadership Team and contributions to key business priorities.
As we reach its three-year mark, the NGC remains an important part of the firm. Since inception, it has provided valuable input into key decisions such as the return to the office after Covid and the communications around major international events. The NGC’s contribution through its working groups has provided impetus and new perspective to a range of areas, most notably in the reduction of our carbon emissions, our DE&I programme, and how we get the most from our technology platforms.
The NGC refreshed its membership as planned in January 2023. It is now evolving its ways of working to hard-wire an NGC contribution into every key priority workstream in the business including client-facing factors such as marketing.
We expect this to lead to a more fluid membership, and opportunities for more people to become involved. This is an exciting evolution of the concept and the NGC is looking forward to this next step.
Council Members
Josh Havers Associate
Ilana Samuels Operations Manager
Henry Martin Senior Researcher
Katie Hemstock PA
Ella McCorquodale Researcher
Emilia Billett Associate
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